Situated in the south of Austria, the Green Tech Valley is
the #1 Technology-Hotspot for
Climate Protection & Circular Economy.
This unique location is a hive of industry for 300 active green tech pioneers and technology leaders. 
Their focus is on green innovation.

Situated in the south of Austria, the Green Tech Valley is the #1 Technology-Hotspot for Climate Protection & Circular Economy.
This unique location is a hive of industry for 300 active green tech pioneers and technology leaders. 
Their focus is on green innovation.


Companies & Research institutions


Global technology leaders




Green Tech solutions

from the
Green Tech Valley

The Green Tech Valley is home to over 600 green technologies and services for renewable energy and circular economy. Take a closer look at the Valley: You may well find just the right solutions and contacts to launch your own project. 

from the
Green Tech Valley

Innovations from the
Green Tech Valley

The Green Tech Valley is home to over 600 green technologies and services for renewable energy and circular economy. Take a closer look at the Valley: You may well find just the right solutions and contacts to launch your own project. 

Strengh and innovation
for a greener future.

The Green Tech Valley Cluster acts as a catalyst and initiator of green innovation and promotes the growth of leading lighthouse projects. It helps forge links between companies and industry and ensures greater global visibility of the ecosystem in Styria & Carinthia.

Jobs for a greener future

The companies and research institutions in Green Tech Valley offer a wide range of career opportunities. You might find your new dream job in the south of Austria, full-time or part-time.

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