enerep schöner Tag Ingenieurbüro Ing. G. REPNIK

Specialised in the area of heating, air conditioning, ventilation and sanitary installations, we undertake the planning and development of autonomous, independent and resource-optimised energy systems in order to achieve the lowest cost of operation,
Specialised in the area of heating, air conditioning, ventilation and sanitary installations, we take on the planning and development of autonomous, independent and resourceoptimised energy systems in order to achieve the lowest cost of operation, to the benefit of all concerned. Our services include:Resource optimisation: Resource optimisation of facilities. The aim is to reduce running costs in order to recover associated investment costs in a short time HVAC & plumbing engineering: Project engineering, installation monitoring, commissioning and sign-off of building services relating to HVAC and water managementOperating projects: Planning and installation including the adoption of cost responsibility as facility investor and operator

enerep schöner Tag Ingenieurbüro Ing. G. REPNIK

Münzgrabenstraße 131 A-2
8010 Graz, Österreich
Your Contact
Gerhard Repnik

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enerep schöner Tag Ingenieurbüro Ing. G. ...

The aim is to reduce running costs in order to recover associated investment costs in a short time.


enerep schöner Tag Ingenieurbüro Ing. G. ...

We take care of the calculation of the energy certificate for residential and non-residential buildings and the preparation of renovation proposals. In addition, we are happy to take care of funding opportunities for your investments.


enerep schöner Tag Ingenieurbüro Ing. G. ...

Engineering office specialized in HVAC planning (heating, air conditioning, ventilation, plumbing) and construction management, energy performance certificate calculation, the generation of funding for ongoing projects, as well as operators of local


Resource optimisation of facilities
The aim is to reduce running costs in order to recover associated investment costs in a short time.
+ Cost efficiency + Resource optimization + comfortable indoor climate + environmentally friendly products + conservation of primary energy sources We as an engineering office for building services in Graz offer decades of experience in the field of environmentally friendly building services and energy consulting. Our service is customer-oriented, because everyone needs an individual and coordinated solution. Economic efficiency calculations for your investments are a matter of course for us. We strive to make your investments more affordable and look for suitable funding opportunities for your new or optimized system. You will be professionally supported by us throughout the entire funding cycle. We take care of the grant generation, the grant application and the final settlement for you. We also work internally on our negative environmental impact and guarantee you a continuous improvement of our environmental performance as a qualified energy efficiency auditor according to the European energy audit standard EN16247, as well as with our EMAS, ISO 14001 and Ökoprofit certification.
Münzgrabenstraße 131 A-2
8010 Graz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Gerhard Repnik
Energy performance certificates and subsidy processing
We take care of the calculation of the energy certificate for residential and non-residential buildings and the preparation of renovation proposals. In addition, we are happy to take care of funding opportunities for your investments.
Preparation of energy certificates for new and existing buildings Preparation of refurbishment proposals for existing buildings and calculation of the refurbished energy certificate Advice and handling of subsidies for ...solar plants ...photovoltaic systems ...energy optimization ...local heating systems ...energy efficient drives Energy certificates - Depending on the requirements, the calculation of the energy certificate as well as the accompanying services takes different amounts of time. We guarantee the completion of the ordered energy certificate within 14 days from receipt of order or from submission of all necessary documents. In addition to the preparation of the energy certificate, we are happy to provide you with advice and support as a building services planner. By handling soon 1,000 projects we offer you the greatest know-how. By handling a planner, the building services costs can be minimized, because by carrying out tenders and the knowledge of the market prices, much better prices can be achieved. Subsidies - You are planning an investment and think that you can achieve a positive environmental effect with it. Write us what you are planning and we will research the possibilities and give you rough information about the possible subsidies.
Münzgrabenstraße 131 A-2
8010 Graz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Gerhard Repnik
Building services planning
Engineering office specialized in HVAC planning (heating, air conditioning, ventilation, plumbing) and construction management, energy performance certificate calculation, the generation of funding for ongoing projects, as well as operators of local
Preliminary planning Design planning Approval planning Project planning Preparation of awarding Participation in the awarding of contracts The planning or optimization of building services systems does not happen overnight. Several planning steps are necessary. After each planning phase, the client receives an overview of the results, on the basis of which the following service steps are built up. The range of services that can be performed is enormous, with a distinction being made between basic and special services.
Münzgrabenstraße 131 A-2
8010 Graz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Gerhard Repnik

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