Biomass combustion systems

Our expertise ranges from fireplaces and stoves through small scale boilers and on to large biomass combustion systems. We cover all relevant research and development fields for biomass combustion and biomass-based combined heat and power (CHP).
BEST undertakes a variety of activities in order to estimate the resource potential of solid biofuels as well as to assess the fuel with respect to technological, ecological and economic aspects. In the field of raw material supply and logistics, BE2020+ deals with the assessment, development and optimisation of the entire resource chain from the field or forest, to the storage of raw material or the end-user. The respective harvesting technology is evaluated particularly with respect to quality relevant aspects whereby new solutions are gathered for transport logistics. In the field of solid biofuel designs, BEST is engaged in the targeted development of biofuels with particular characteristics achieved by resource pre-treatment, blending, additives and conditioning. The processing steps for biofuel production such as drying, crushing, separation, conditioning and compacting (e.g. pelletizing) are continuously optimised and developed. We continuously carry out analyses of a large variety of fuels and ashes. The identification of the technical characteristics of biofuel (e.g. calorific value, …) and element analyses thereby play a significant role. The characterisation of the combustion behaviour of solid biofuels is another focal point of BEST. In this regard, we analyse the slagging affinity and the emission characteristics of harmful gaseous and corrosive compounds. In this context we also test the utilisation of new materials for individual device components. BEST actively works on the promotion and development of national and international standardisation activities. Through the improvement of the utilisation aspects of biofuels, BEST examines the possibilities and processes for the re-use of residue from biomass combustion such as technologies for the recovery of biomass ashes in the agriculture and forestry industries.
Inffeldgasse 21b
8010 Graz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Walter Haslinger

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