MTA Roof Scan

Efficient and non-destructive leak detection for flat roofs without time-consuming preparation work! Real-time measurements for surface testing and point location, simple operation and evaluation function of the leak location carried out in one devi
► EASY LOCATION OF LEAKS ◄ The MTA Roof Scan features an innovative electromagnetic leakage measurement system for pinpoint location of leaks on all types of roof surfaces. The sophisticated technology enables the most accurate measurements for a wide range of roof structures and materials. Thanks to the handy design and modern technology, even large roof surfaces can be checked quickly and efficiently. The MTA Roof Scan can also be used directly on gravelled or green roof structures without having to shovel them off or expose them. Especially with retrofitted roof technology (PV and/or solar systems), there is an increased risk of leaks, as the roof cladding can easily be damaged by the retrofitted construction. The MTA Roof Scan can be used for active leakage detection, but also in the course of annual roof maintenance. Translated with (free version)
Handelsstraße 16
9300 St. Veit an der Glan, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Astrid Taferner

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