Redwell Infrared Heating

The healthy warmth combined with elegant design rules the exclusive character of Redwell infrared-heating elements since the beginning.
Infrared heating systems A major advantage of an infrared heating system is that it saves large amounts of energy. Additional and equally impressive advantages are easy and flexible installation, lifelong maintenance-free operation and good design. The heating units can be installed on walls or ceilings, using concealed brackets. All you need is a power socket. Redwell provides warmth, as it should be. Designed to exceed today’s toughest environmental and economic demands. Highest quality, greatest flexibility and compelling features characterize all the heating elements. This intelligent solution provides a huge planning flexibility allowing each element to be selected to meet your specific requirements.
Am Ökopark 3
8230 Hartberg, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Chiara Di Bernardo
Office Management

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