ReWaste F

– Recycling & Recovery of Waste for Future

The ReWaste F project

In the FFG-funded COMET – K project “ReWaste4.0”, two scientific and eight corporate partners initiated the ambitious and necessary paradigm shift for the further development of Austrian waste management for non-hazardous, mixed municipal and commercial waste towards Circular Economy 4.0 in 2017.


ReWaste F – Recycling and recovery of waste for the future – is the logical, high-quality R&D continuation for 2021 to 2025 – based on comprehensive know-how and results from ReWaste4.0, taking into account current and future developments in waste streams (non-hazardous mixed waste and (bio)plastics contained therein and special waste streams), technologies (machines, sensors, sensor fusion, cameras, etc.) and digitalization (data analysis, intelligent digital “MMM” networking).

ReWaste F consists of an overarching strategic project and three technical areas with six subordinate individual projects. The strategic project is concerned, among other things, with the goal-oriented coordination of progress in all three areas, waste market, technology and digital platform analyses as well as international networking and workshops on plastics recycling and recyclability, data and cyber security, etc. In the six individual projects, waste materials are characterized and their properties and recyclability, etc. are determined. The sorting, processing and recycling of special waste streams (e.g. plastics, wood) from mixed waste is being tested on a large scale in pilot plants and facilities operated by partners.

Statements on ReWaste F & Digital Waste Research Lab

ReWaste F – Recycling and Recovery of Waste for Future


Renato Sarc

Project manager ReWaste F

Montanuniversität Leoben
 +43 3842 / 402-5105


Nicole Velimirovic

Circular Solutions

Green Tech Valley Cluster GmbH
T +43 316 407744-13

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