7.6 billion euros and 26,500 jobs: New highs for sales and employment

Growth and climate protection are not contradictory, even in times of an overall subdued economic situation. This is shown by the current economic survey of Green Tech Valley. “Technology companies were able to increase the green share of their sales nominally by 22 percent to a total of 7.6 billion euros. This is a new […]

Opportunity for Europe’s Microelectronics: The AT&S Lighthouse Project in Leoben

“Opportunity to position Europe in the fast lane” At the invitation of Chancellor Karl Nehammer, the “Microelectronics Summit” was held in July at the Federal Chancellery with the participation of members of the federal government and leading representatives of the microelectronics industry. Andreas Gerstenmayer, Chairman of the Management Board of AT&S, took part in the […]

Green innovation axis along Koralm route is opened

Powerful impetus for green innovation Around 60 business operators and representatives from politics and science were guests at the Green Tech Valley office opening in Klagenfurt in July. In the premises of KWF, co-owner of the Green Tech Valley cluster since the end of last year, companies are now supported on site with the cluster’s […]

New ceramics for electronics and power engineering

Collaborative Research Center “FLAIR Electroceramics are at the heart of many electronic components. A cell phone, for example, contains 500 capacitors consisting of several layers of ceramic and metal. “In ceramics, we can very well and specifically set properties that the material must have for the particular application,” explains TU Graz materials scientist Jurij Koruza, […]

Austria Email sets strong “green” signs

75 percent more sales at Green Products Geen Tech Valley company Austria Email AG, headquartered and with plants in Styria, presents the results of fiscal year 2022. Accompanied by high demand and growth in all product groups and markets, Austria Email AG, a leading specialist in storage and heating technology, increased annual sales by a […]

Treibacher celebrates 125 years and builds Carinthia’s largest PV plant

Eight million euros for ground-mounted photovoltaic plant Green Tech Valley company Treibacher Industrie AG – a leading player in the metallurgical and chemical industry with headquarters in Althofen in Carinthia – continues its commitment to sustainable and environmentally friendly solutions and launched the construction of the largest ground-mounted photovoltaic plant in Carinthia. “As a Carinthian […]

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