Breaking new ground: Graz researchers developing ammonia propulsion

The LEC company is conducting research into a sustainable alternative for fuelling large engines and has commissioned a research facility for ammonia fuel on the Graz University of Technology campus. Using electricity from solar and wind power, this will be produced in a CO2-neutral manner and could revolutionise shipping, including saving 5% of CO2 emissions worldwide.

Concrete from CO2: Greenhouse gas as a raw material


To counteract global warming, industry is also being asked to minimise its CO2 emissions. But it doesn’t stop there. Thanks to new technologies, in the future, greenhouse gases will also be filtered out of the air and recycled. Once separated out, the gas has many uses including production of chemicals, fuels and building materials. In […]

Austria as Hydrogen VIP: EU approval for 4 large-scale H2 projects

Green hydrogen – the game changer Green hydrogen is an important building block on the path to climate neutrality. Which is why the EU is pushing production of green H2 and has approved the IPCEI Hy2Tech. The aim of the project is to establish a European hydrogen value chain that is innovative, competitive and sustainable. […]

Microplastic measurement from the Valley

How do you analyse for microplastics? Using Microplastics Finder from Purency! The software facilitates data analysis of microplastic measurements from laboratories: “Our aim is to provide people with an automated tool for making dependable product declarations,” explains co-founder and CEO Michael Stibi. Currently, there is no such thing. So, the interest is great. The startup […]

Ecological footprint at the touch of a button

Climate friend or foe This information is now available to consumers of any product in just a few moments. It is all down to the software tool ProNaWi, which has been funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) and developed under the project coordination of Valley web developer akaryon. The project also involved the […]

Increased power output from EV batteries

Taking EV batteries to the next level Lithium-ion batteries represent one of the key technologies of the current era. They are the driving force behind e-mobility. To increase battery performance further and thus retain a competitive edge against supply from Asian markets, four of the Styrian market players are currently working on improving lithium-ion battery […]

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