First German cement plant to use CO2 separator from the Valley

Two tonnes of CO2 removed from the air​ This is the quantity of carbon dioxide that will be filtered from the atmosphere per day by the ANDRITZ pilot plant being installed at the Rohrdorf cement works in Bavaria. This is achieved using the latest amine-based solvent scrubbing technology. And, according to the cement manufacturer, around […]

Smart waste disposal

Smart waste logistics, less CO2 Almost 4.3 million tonnes of waste are attributed to Austrian households every year. In order to be able to handle such quantities in an environmentally friendly manner, three Valley Partners, the Know-Center, Saubermacher and SLOC, have jointly developed a custom-made, scalable software, which assists the cost-effective and climate-friendly transport of […]

Certified in the Valley: New recycling certificate

Recycling mark for packaging TÜV SÜD and RecycleMe are issuing a new certificate, which puts packaging through a test procedure that will assist manufacturers, bottlers, importers, online retailers, retail chains and other suppliers in the transition to net-zero CO2. During testing, attention is given to ensuring the material complies with all relevant standards and norms. […]

Sensor technology for Scandinavian wind farm

Ice-free and full power throughout the winter Two-thirds of wind energy is generated during the winter. It is essential that the blades of wind turbines are kept free from ice, to ensure sufficient electricity output is maintained, even in the cold season. And thanks to sensor technology from Styria, this is now possible even in […]

Automatic robot charging for EVs

Grüne Technologien für nachhaltige Energieerzeugung The unit for charging the EV, can be placed directly on the owner’s garage floor, but also in the open. As soon as the EV is parked – with the assistance of a special positioning system – activation occurs. The robot connects to the car automatically. The driver does not […]

Biodiesel Upgrade from the Valley

Biodiesel – an environmentally friendly alternative As a climate-friendly alternative to fossil-derived diesel, biodiesel is considered one of the green fuels of the future. It is produced from sustainable and regionally available raw materials, or from commercial and industrial residues and waste products, for particularly effective use of resources. In the latter case, this is […]

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