AI certification: Global corporation relies on Valley expertise

360° certification for artificial intelligence The Austrian government has just presented its strategy for applying artificial intelligence to the reduction of CO2. This sets out provisions for strict regulation of high-risk AI applications in particular. However, the planned regulation could overstretch companies and slow down the widespread application of AI to business. But, under the […]

Recycling in a container

Flexible, container-based recycling systems The international technology group ANDRITZ has signed a cooperation agreement for container-based recycling systems with the Austrian company LINETECHNOLOGY GmbH.Marketed under the BLUELINE brand, these processing plants are modular for flexible configuration and facilitate decentralised recycling and cost-effective processing of small amounts of industrial residual waste fractions. The shredding technology required […]

Biodiesel production from high risk fats

BDI-BioEnergy International’s commitment to developing innovative technologies goes back decades. The company has clocked up many technology milestones, particularly in the field of biodiesel production using residual and waste materials. These include the first plants to be built in the world for biodiesel production that utilised spent cooking oils and fats from animal waste or […]

Forbes accolade for AI software company from the Valley

Greater efficiency through digital assistance AIOS (Artificial Intelligence Operating System) is the name of the operating system developed by LEFTSHIFT ONE for the application of artificial intelligence and hyper-automation. Within AIOS, digital assistants can be created, managed and operated. And over the longer term they allow companies to rationalise and make operational tasks easier. By […]

Green hydrogen tank made from waste material

H2 – the energy carrier of tomorrow​ Hydrogen is one of the energy carriers of the future. Storing the gas under simple conditions is not easy, but it is an essential requirement for hydrogen drivetrains that are green and necessary for a more climate-friendly environment. That is why the University of Leoben is devoting tireless […]

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