Vocational excellence for a green Europe

The aim of the conference was to bring together stakeholders at regional, national and transnational level with each other and with representatives of local innovation and ecosystems in various formats, thus actively contributing to shaping a greener and more sustainable future, with a focus on European professional excellence and initiatives to develop green skills.  Lectures […]

Partnership for environmentally friendly ship propulsion systems

Cutting-edge semiconductor technology meets manufacturing and application expertise as the two companies launch a long-term partnership to accelerate the green transition on land and at sea. International shipping is about to reduce its climate impact significantly: With last year’s adoption of a revised greenhouse gas strategy, the International Maritime Organization (IMO) set an ambitious course, […]

Study: Green patents have tripled in Austria

Together with the European Investment Bank, the European Patent Office has analyzed patent applications for clean and sustainable technologies in a study (download link below). The Austrian Patent Office has analyzed the country-specific data for Austria in detail, here is an overview of the most important results: With a 2.6% share of patent applications in […]

AVL and Red Bull Advanced Technologies join forces to develop High-Power-Density Fuel Cell Technology

If This collaboration combines AVL’s industry leading portfolio of PEM fuel cell technology and Red Bull’s winning technologies and novel methodologies in lightweight design, construction, and aerodynamics. This project is expected to deliver a fuel cell system for high performance application that exceeds those currently available globally. Joint investigations indicate that upon successful completion, dramatic improvements […]

Graz researchers store hydrogen in innovative iron pellets

If hydrogen is brought into contact with rusty (oxidized) iron, the iron is “reduced”, said Viktor Hacker from the Institute of Chemical Process Engineering and Environmental Technology at Graz University of Technology (TU) in an interview with APA. Water and the “de-rusted” metal are produced. The hydrogen is stored in it, so to speak. It can […]

University of Graz develops sustainable and recyclable bioplastic

Scientists at the University of Graz have achieved a breakthrough that could become a game changer for the entire plastics industry. They have developed a fully recyclable, bio-based epoxy plastic. An innovation with major implications, as this very robust lightweight material is used in numerous products, be it skateboard ramps, airplanes, boats, cars and even […]

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