Easelink lands millions in EU funding

Easelink receives 11.5 million euros to advance the standardization of automated charging of electric cars.

Easelink, which is pioneering the field of automated charging of electric vehicles with its Matrix Charging® technology, has received a grant of 11.5 million euros from the European Innovation Council (EIC).

This financial support underlines the strategic fit between Easelink’s goal of setting the standard for automated charging of electric vehicles and the European Union’s objective of driving climate neutrality by promoting electric vehicles and their integration into a smart energy system.

Easelink has successfully completed the most competitive EIC funding round to date. The second phase of the EIC Accelerator ended in October 2024 with 1,211 applications submitted, of which 431 (36%) were invited to the jury interviews in Brussels. In the end, only 71 companies (16% of 431 interviews / 5.9% of phase 2 / ~3% of phase 1) were funded. “We are delighted to have the support of the EIC. It underlines that our standardization efforts are in line with the EU’s electrification strategy,” says Hermann Stockinger, CEO and founder of Easelink. “When it comes to automated charging, interoperability is key. At Easelink, we are not only technical innovators in the field of charging. We also see ourselves as a trusted company to ensure and protect the global, cross-manufacturer interoperability of Matrix Charging,” he adds.

To achieve this, Easelink is building global partnerships in the automotive and energy sectors and is currently making great progress in Europe, China and Japan. Together with selected OEMs and other key players, Easelink is working on the next necessary standardization steps in addition to the ongoing development of the Matrix Charging® series.

As part of the preparations for the market launch of Matrix Charging®, Easelink is now looking for further technology funding in the form of venture capital. […]

Further information about the company can be found at: www.easelink.com

[Source: Easelink News]


Veronika Pranger
Green Tech Valley / Communications

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