MTA Messtechnik GmbH

MTA Messtechnik offers products and services, as well as technical innovations and niche products for water supply companies and wastewater disposal companies.
MTA Messtechnik GmbH, headquartered in Sankt Veit an der Glan, Carinthia, offers products and services as well as technical innovations and niche products for water supply and wastewater disposal companies and positions itself as a technology leader for special problems in water supply and wastewater disposal. ► Services in the field of condition assessment and leak detection • Pipe location, location of non-metallic pipes • Inventories and assessments of water supply and wastewater disposal networks including the detection of defects (pipe network inspection and leak detection). With the MTA Pipe-Inspector, up to 50km of pipe up to a diameter of DN3000 can be inspected in one run. This type of inspection is also particularly suitable for main collectors, among others, as the inspection can be carried out without interrupting operation. • Slope and settlement measurements for operators of wastewater disposal systems, landfills and special individual customers. ► Services Pipeline cleaning • Gentle cleaning with the LW87 process without chemical additives. All deposits are gently removed from the pipe using an air-water-flushing mixture specially adapted to your pipe. ► Wide product range of measuring devices for different areas: MTA Messtechnik offers solutions specially designed to meet the needs of users for leak detection, condition assessment, practical tools, as well as monitoring systems and property protection. ► Devices for leak detection: • MTA Pipe-Scan (wired) and MTA Pipe-Inspector (wireless inspection). • Non-destructive leak detection devices for all types of flat roofs (MTA Roof Scan) and for swimming pools (MTA Pool Scan). Fast, efficient and pinpoint leak detection technology that can be used directly on green roofs or in stainless steel pools, for example. • "WCS" - a data logger that transmits flow rates, temperature, etc. in real time. • You can also find many other devices in the field of leak detection on our website. ► Backwater valve / backwater flap: The MwStop backwater valve, provides efficient protection for buildings in the event of backwater caused by floods, pipe blockages or during heavy rain events. The backwater valve is available in dimensions from DN100 to DN1800 and can be installed in pipelines in just a few steps (even retrofitted). The special protection for your property, which at the same time protects against unpleasant odours from the sewage system and, due to its design, triggers surge flushing and thus indirectly frees the pipe from loose deposits. ► Building monitoring: MTA Messtechnik GmbH now offers products in the field of building monitoring. The permanently installed sensors detect moisture in real time and transmit the values to the web app. If limit values are exceeded, an alarm message and notification is sent to the customer via email and/or SMS. The system can be used for basement floors, sanitary rooms, wooden glulam beams and flat roofs. The intuitive software makes it possible to create or manage customer data and projects, to view measured values and to analyse values from the past. ► Special constructions / plant engineering: MTA Messtechnik GmbH is also happy to offer individual customised solutions for customers.

MTA Messtechnik GmbH

Handelsstraße 16
9300 St. Veit an der Glan, Österreich
Your Contact
Caterina Wrumnig

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MTA Messtechnik GmbH

Efficient and non-destructive leak detection for flat roofs without time-consuming preparation work! Real-time measurements for surface testing and point location, simple operation and evaluation function of the leak location carried out in one devi


MTA Messtechnik GmbH

Efficient and pinpoint leak detection for swimming pools, pools and ponds. Area inspection and pipe inspection in one device - check objects in filled condition in real time with log function.


MTA Messtechnik GmbH



MTA Roof Scan
Efficient and non-destructive leak detection for flat roofs without time-consuming preparation work! Real-time measurements for surface testing and point location, simple operation and evaluation function of the leak location carried out in one devi
► EASY LOCATION OF LEAKS ◄ The MTA Roof Scan features an innovative electromagnetic leakage measurement system for pinpoint location of leaks on all types of roof surfaces. The sophisticated technology enables the most accurate measurements for a wide range of roof structures and materials. Thanks to the handy design and modern technology, even large roof surfaces can be checked quickly and efficiently. The MTA Roof Scan can also be used directly on gravelled or green roof structures without having to shovel them off or expose them. Especially with retrofitted roof technology (PV and/or solar systems), there is an increased risk of leaks, as the roof cladding can easily be damaged by the retrofitted construction. The MTA Roof Scan can be used for active leakage detection, but also in the course of annual roof maintenance. Translated with (free version)
Handelsstraße 16
9300 St. Veit an der Glan, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Astrid Taferner
MTA Pool Scan
Efficient and pinpoint leak detection for swimming pools, pools and ponds. Area inspection and pipe inspection in one device - check objects in filled condition in real time with log function.
► POOL CHECKING and Leak Detection ◄ The MTA Pool Scan is used to check pools for leaks when filled. With the help of the probe, leaks can be located easily and non-destructively. MTA Pool Scan features: - Mobile leak detection system - Easy to transport with protective case - 30m cable for easy and unrestricted testing - Measurement results in real time on the screen - Pinpoint locating in live mode and the possibility to create test protocols. Can be used in all types of pools - e.g. GRP, stainless steel or tiled pools.
Handelsstraße 16
9300 St. Veit an der Glan, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Astrid Taferner
MwStop® backwater valve
MwStop® can be installed in practically any pipe, even retrofitted, in just a few minutes and immediately provides effective protection against floods, foreign bodies and annoying odours. The wide MwStop® range ensures that the right MwStop® model is available for every application, whether it is for backwater protection of the sewer system, for use in rainwater pipes or to prevent odour formation in combined sewers. MwStop® protects against backwater, water intrusion and foreign bodies in buildings, sewage and rainwater pipes. In addition, MwStop® is an effective protection against odour nuisance from the sewage system. MwStop® valves can be installed in a wide variety of ways in any position. Full functionality is provided from horizontal to vertical.
Handelsstraße 16
9300 St. Veit an der Glan, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Astrid Taferner

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