neo-Natural Energy Organisation GmbH

NEO supports you as your total solution partner. We integrate the „green philosophy“ in the entire life cycle of your company, your community or individual project, together with recognized experts and specialists. For more go to
Solar Power, Photovoltaic, Wind Energy, Electric Mobility, Waste and Water Management, Local Heating, Sustainable Architecture and Energy Recovery are all buzzwords of our time. The world is rapidly changing, and with it our appreciation for precious energy and the environment. At NEO World we focus on the conservation of energy and natural resources to protect and preserve tomorrow’s world. However, there isn’t one single solution for everyone’s energy needs. Our holistic approach and smart energy management can guide your „green“project from start to finish. NEO supports you as your total solution partner. We integrate the „green philosophy“ in the entire life cycle of your company, your community or individual project, together with recognized experts and specialists. With NEO World, the future has already begun. We’re going one step further and starting a green revolution. "NEO revolution’s" purpose as a non-profit organization is to spread the word of resource conservation and green energy worldwide. We collaborate on projects with schools, kindergartens, universities, and other institutions to make this a reality. The emphasis is always on sustainability and green concepts as the basis of social projects. We view ourselves not as competition for existing providers of green technology. Rather, we offer the best advice through partnerships with many different specialists. Because of this we can offer you a customized All-in-One solution.

neo-Natural Energy Organisation GmbH

Allerheiligen 251
8412 Allerheiligen bei Wildon, Österreich
Your Contact
Christian Fries

This company is clusterpartner at

neo-Natural Energy Organisation GmbH

Are you looking for a sustainable, clean and attractive addition to your fleet? We offer you the most advanced electric vehicles currently on the market including worry free support!


neo-Natural Energy Organisation GmbH

Passive house technology was yesterday’s news. We use “Energy Plus” as our standard for our projects. This means that all new construction projects implemented by NEO Development, generate more energy than they consume.


neo-Natural Energy Organisation GmbH

neo | cities and municipalities Currently Europe’s „Klima: aktiv pakt2020“ or the “2°C target” initiatives encourage federal, state and local communities to lower their carbon footprints to meet future targets.


neo-Natural Energy Organisation GmbH

Did you know that Green Energy investments usually recoup their initial costs within the first 5 years? Perhaps now is the right time to rethink „Green“and NEO is here to guide you.


NEO fleet
Are you looking for a sustainable, clean and attractive addition to your fleet? We offer you the most advanced electric vehicles currently on the market including worry free support!
ecarrent neo | fleet Are you looking for a sustainable, clean and attractive addition to your fleet? We offer you the most advanced electric vehicles currently on the market including worry free support. For example, Tesla’s Model S was awarded “2013 Car of the Year”. Upon request, we can even add an e-charging station to your premises. For more informations about our rental cars go to:
Allerheiligen 251
8412 Allerheiligen bei Wildon, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Christian Fries
NEO development - new buildings
Passive house technology was yesterday’s news. We use “Energy Plus” as our standard for our projects. This means that all new construction projects implemented by NEO Development, generate more energy than they consume.
Thereby, the surrounding environment also benefits from CO2-neutral energy. The core essence of NEO Development is to always focus on the big picture. So it’s not just about planning a “green” building but also integrating the green philosophy into the entire life cycle. Sustainability and a holistic approach are our top priorities.
Allerheiligen 251
8412 Allerheiligen bei Wildon, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Christian Fries
NEO Support for cities and municipalities
neo | cities and municipalities Currently Europe’s „Klima: aktiv pakt2020“ or the “2°C target” initiatives encourage federal, state and local communities to lower their carbon footprints to meet future targets.
NEO Support offers both studies and concrete project data to help the public sector. It’s not just about renewable energy initiatives. We also provide solutions for sustainable mobility and Waste and Water Management. NEO Support is a dependable partner on your way to a greener community. Examples of green technology savings for Cities and Municipalities: Use of the newest energy saving technologies for public lighting District heating Waste and Water Management Storage Technology for your Sustainable Energy “green „concepts for public transportation Charging stations for electric mobility
Allerheiligen 251
8412 Allerheiligen bei Wildon, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Christian Fries
NEO Support for companies - cost reduction
Did you know that Green Energy investments usually recoup their initial costs within the first 5 years? Perhaps now is the right time to rethink „Green“and NEO is here to guide you.
We analyze the current state of your facility and show you ways to not only lower operating costs, but also to increase your profitability. We always focus on the big picture to provide you with the most comprehensive solution. Smart energy management is one key component. NEO optimizes your entire infrastructure from your energy consumption to your company’s utilities and even your fleet. Examples of green technology savings for companies: Capturing and reusing wasted heat from your operations Use of the newest energy saving lighting technologies „Smart“ photovoltaic systems Storage Technology for your Sustainable Energy Waste and Water Management Customized onsight power production
Allerheiligen 251
8412 Allerheiligen bei Wildon, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Christian Fries

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