RP Global Austria GmbH

RP Global is a developer and independent power producer that draws its expertise from over 30 years of experience in the renewable energy sector. RP Global develops, operates and invests in hydro, wind and solar PV projects.
RP Global is a developer and independent power producer that draws its expertise from over 30 years of experience in the renewable energy sector. As a developer, investor and operator, RP Global’s focus is on hydro, wind and solar PV projects. The company is focusing on flexibility, innovative solutions, and projects of the highest quality, with a special focus on all E & S matters. RP Global has cooperated with and has had many successful partnerships with investors and lenders, such as the IFC/World Bank, the EBRD, Mirova/Natixis, the Marguerite Fund and the Bank of Georgia, among others. RP Global has constructed more than 40 power plants whilst retaining 16 plants under operation or construction. RP Global’s international team is currently active in Europe, South America, and Africa: Austria, Spain, Portugal, Croatia, France, Poland; Georgia; Chile, Peru, Argentina, Colombia and Tanzania are the countries RP Global operates in. The headquarters are in Vienna, Austria and Madrid, Spain. For more info please go to: http://www.rp-global.com

RP Global Austria GmbH

Schwarzenbergplatz 5/2/1
1030 Wien, Österreich
Your Contact
Igor Rescec

This company is clusterpartner at

RP Global Austria GmbH

RPG develops, invests and operates the projects in the sector of Renewable Energy. Size of the projects 3 MW - 500 MW.


Developer, investor and operator of hydro, PV and wind projects
RPG develops, invests and operates the projects in the sector of Renewable Energy. Size of the projects 3 MW - 500 MW.
Business objectives - RP Global’s main objective is the further expansion of its current portfolio of ’generating assets’. From a project pipeline of about 8000 MW, RP Global aims to develop a 'ready to build' portfolio of approximately 6000 MW by 2024. - RP Global strives for geographical diversification, concentrating on Western Europe and selected countries in the CEE region, as well as Latin America and Africa. - RP Global's growth results primarily from its own greenfield development pipeline as well as from acquisitions of brownfield projects. - RP Global develops top quality renewable energy projects (wind, small hydro and solar PV) complying with the highest environmental standards and providing attractive long term returns.
Schwarzenbergplatz 5/2/1
1030 Wien, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Igor Rescec

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