Data Service Cards (German Version)

Imagine you have an online store for clothing and accessories. Wouldn’t it be exciting to include weather data in your sales process? Wondering why? Well, in case of bad weather, you could automatically showcase your entire range of umbrellas on your home page. Pretty clever, your website visitors will also think too.

Product and service providers in environmental technology also rely on data. To help you come up with new ideas for innovative technologies and services, there are the “Data Service Cards”. Use the 40 cards as inspiration in the development process. By incorporating data sources and analyzing them, you can create fresh services or products that will delight your customers. Optimize your processes with our Data Service Cards and generate additional value.

Are you looking for an efficient way to identify the right data sources, analyze them and derive suitable services with high value from them? The Data Service Cards support you in this process.

For more information, visit the Data Service Cards info page.

ATTENTION: Currently the Data Service Cards are only available in German!


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