BDI RetroFit - existing BioDiesel plants

We optimize your existing biodiesel plant and bring it up to date. The implementation of our proprietary BDI RetroFit program in existing industrial plants increases raw material flexibility and simultaneously improves biodiesel quality.
RetroFit applications Due to rising prices for fully refined vegetable oils and simultaneously decreasing quality of low-cost residues and waste fat materials, the use of highly flexible technologies is necessary. In addition, there is the environmental political will to make energy supply more independent, to process waste and residual materials into clean energy and to become sustainably "greener". Thanks to the implementation of new process steps or an adaptation in the use of operating resources, optimization of original systems can be achieved. Improved raw material pre-processing and adaptation of distillation technology result in a higher output of high-quality BioDiesel. With BDI’s high-FFA process, raw materials with up to 99 percent free fatty acid content can be used. This results in advantages for the plant operator such as the use of new raw material sources, reduction of total raw material costs and reduced consumption of operating materials. The by-product glycerin can also be processed into a high-quality product. RetroFit technology Every biodiesel plant is unique. Simple standard solutions to improve individual parameters such as yield, product quality or raw material flexibility are therefore ineffective. In order to achieve an optimal result, it is necessary to develop an individual overall concept for each plant and to implement optimal technical solutions. The result is a sustained improvement in plant performance. Our one-stop-shop includes all necessary steps for successful plant optimization: 1. Status evaluation 2. Pre-engineering 3. Offer preparation 4. Authorization procedure 5. Engineering and delivery 6. Implementation 7. Commissioning 8. After-sales services Additional RetroFit services - Training of plant operators - Production support - Analytical support - Safety evaluation
Parkring 18
8074 Raaba-Grambach, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Edgar Ahn
Chief Innovation Officer

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