Bioconversion and biogas systems

The core competence is the further development of biogas technology due its's capabilities to valorise residues and waste to supply storable energy from renewable resources.
The biotechnological conversion of biomass to energy and/or materials enables a cascading and sustainable use of resources. We develop biotechnological methods for converting residues (CO2, wastewater, industrial and agricultural residues, digestates, manure, …) to a broad range of different products including energy carriers (gaseous or liquid), basic chemicals (alcohols, acetic acid, …), high-quality products for the chemical industry (bioplastics, pigments) or biofertilizers. Another focus is on the development of efficient energy and waste management concepts for medium and large-sized companies. Our key areas include: - Biogas technology - Recycling of industrial and agricultural residues - Algae biotechnology - Gas fermentation (e.g. based on CO2) - Wastewater technology - Biofertilizer production
Inffeldgasse 21b
8010 Graz, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Walter Haslinger

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