BIVITEC - screening of difficult materials

With BIVITEC, Binder+Co starts where conventional screens fail. BIVITEC stands for highly efficient screening of difficult materials, typical in the processing of secondary raw materials.
Screening is an important step in the processing of bulk materials. Next to conventional screens, such as circular vibrating screens and linear vibrating screens, Binder+Co also supplies screens for especially difficult requirements. Advantages of the BIVITEC Flip Flow Screen - Wear to the sides of the screen is prevented by the ox-horn system (laterally raised screen panels). - Screw less fastening system of screen panels allows them to be replaced fast. - Optimum adjustment to the task in hand by simply changing the vibration parameters. - Optimum side sealing by means of the ox-horn system avoids loss of material. - Optional monitoring of bearing and amplitudes for coordination and planning of maintenance intervals
Grazer Straße 19-25
8200 Gleisdorf, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Heinz Raith

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