MTA Pool Scan

Efficient and pinpoint leak detection for swimming pools, pools and ponds. Area inspection and pipe inspection in one device - check objects in filled condition in real time with log function.
► POOL CHECKING and Leak Detection ◄ The MTA Pool Scan is used to check pools for leaks when filled. With the help of the probe, leaks can be located easily and non-destructively. MTA Pool Scan features: - Mobile leak detection system - Easy to transport with protective case - 30m cable for easy and unrestricted testing - Measurement results in real time on the screen - Pinpoint locating in live mode and the possibility to create test protocols. Can be used in all types of pools - e.g. GRP, stainless steel or tiled pools.
Handelsstraße 16
9300 St. Veit an der Glan, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Astrid Taferner

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