MwStop® backwater valve

MwStop® can be installed in practically any pipe, even retrofitted, in just a few minutes and immediately provides effective protection against floods, foreign bodies and annoying odours. The wide MwStop® range ensures that the right MwStop® model is available for every application, whether it is for backwater protection of the sewer system, for use in rainwater pipes or to prevent odour formation in combined sewers. MwStop® protects against backwater, water intrusion and foreign bodies in buildings, sewage and rainwater pipes. In addition, MwStop® is an effective protection against odour nuisance from the sewage system. MwStop® valves can be installed in a wide variety of ways in any position. Full functionality is provided from horizontal to vertical.
Handelsstraße 16
9300 St. Veit an der Glan, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Astrid Taferner

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