Polais - Stationary one-step RDF processing

Made for one-step processing of untreated municipal, industrial and commercial waste to obtain mid-calorific fuels (40 – 120 mm) ideal for co-incineration in calciners at cement works.
MAKES SHORT WORK OF SHREDDING: COST-EFFICIENT, HIGHLY RELIABLE AND ONLY ONE STEP. Nothing can withstand the enormous power of the Lindner Polaris single-shaft shredder. Made for one-step processing of untreated municipal, industrial and commercial waste to obtain mid-calorific fuels (40 – 120 mm) ideal for co-incineration in calciners at cement works. Sturdy design and low operating costs are the hallmarks of this highly specialised shredder: enjoy uninterrupted shredding excellence 24 hours a day, seven days a week. With maximum efficiency throughout, as demonstrated by a field test: thanks to the countershaft drive, the Linder Polaris shreds twice as much material as comparable machines in the same period of time.* * Comparative testing at the Chair of Waste Processing and Waste Management, University of Leoben, May 2017
Manuel-Lindner-Straße 1
9800 Spittal an der Drau, Österreich
Contact to your Solution
Pia Steiner
Marketing & PR

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