
Konferenz „Hydrogen Sustainablity and Circularity“

The conference will focus on the exchange of knowledge to increase the efficiency and reduce the cost of hydrogen technologies in the areas of green hydrogen production, storage and application.

26. Februar 2025
9 bis 16 Uhr

Content Description

The conference “Hydrogen Sustainability and Circularity” will be held as part of the IEA Technology Collaboration Programme on Advanced Fuel Cells Annex 34.

Relevant topics are

  • Innovative materials for electrolyzers, fuel cells and storage solutions
  • Reduction or replacement of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS)
  • Eco-design and eco-efficiency 
  • Raw materials and supply chain
  • Manufacturing processes, automation and scaling up
  • Waste management, re- and upcycling 
  • Techno-economic and social science aspects
  • Environment and life cycle assessment

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