DrSOLAR – Drones for Autonomous Solar Panel Inspection

Turnkey drone solution for advanced and efficient inspection of solar panels via SWIR (EL), thermal and AI.

Solar is scheduled to become the largest source of electricity by 2050. Utility scale solar farms become ever larger and so does the amount of time and cost required for O&M activities.

DrSOLAR offers automated drone-based solar panel inspection for fault detection. The solution entails our semi-autonomous AIR4 drone, equipped with high-resolution RGB (visual), SWIR (Short-Wave Infrared Imaging) and thermal cameras in order to produce and process an orthophoto of the solar farm, to detect and classify faulty modules with electroluminescence (EL) and AI. All hardware and software elements are integrated and provided by AIR6 Systems.

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Pharmaziegasse 5
9020 Klagenfurt, Österreich
Ihre Kontaktperson zur Lösung
Alex Fraess-Ehrfeld

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