Durable, sturdy, customized. These are the attributes of P&P’s catalysts.

Our catalysts are durable, robust, and tailored to your needs. Benefit from our honeycomb catalysts with low pressure loss, high stability, and chemical resistance.
Our extensive range suits temperatures from 150 °C to 800 °C,
each rigorously tested before delivery. Explore our chemical
service and analysis tools for swift issue resolution.
Our applications:
• Oxidation of SO2 to SO3
• Oxidation of CO to CO2 as well as hydrocarbon / VOC
• Oxidation of ammonia slip

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Dietrich-Keller-Straße 24/7
8074 Raaba, Österreich
Ihre Kontaktperson zur Lösung
Paul Piantino
Senior Sales & Marketing Manager

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